Tuesday, May 18, 2010

June 11, 1967: David Cohen

What a wonderful week it has been; a true David and Goliath story. The Western powers deserve shame for not providing us help, as does Russia for helping the Arab nations. Within six days we, the IDF, have conquered the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza strip, the West bank and the Golan heights. It is Nasser's own fault that he lost the Sinai Peninsula; it was a clear act of war to close off all of our trade routes through the Tiran. He even insulted our chief of staff, Yitzhak Rabin, by saying "Let him come, I'm waiting."

It took mere hours to destroy the Egyptian Air Force on the morning of June 5. Later that morning, strategic attacks were mounted on the Sinai Peninsula consisting of tanks and artillery. By day's end, Egypt's army had fallen apart as a fighting force. However, those reporting what was occurring spoke of Arab victories and Israeli defeats. Since King Hussein of Jordan received false information, Nasser was able to convince him that he should advance on Jerusalem. When Jordan began bombarding our positions in Jerusalem, we sent paratroopers, myself included, to surround the ancient temple mount and secure it. This was the greatest moment of my Jewish life, being able to fight for my country and my beliefs in such a way that we recaptured the Western Wall.

On day five of this short war a third front opened against Syria. Then, yesterday, we took the Golan Heights, crushing all hopes for the Arabs to clear us out of our land. It appears that this war is over and despite the incredible odds we have once again overcome the Arab invaders.This time we have expanded our land into Sinai, the Golan Heights and the West bank. This victory is surely the work of Adonai, and his love of the chosen people of Israel.

-Historical Note: On November 22, 1967, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 242,?which demanded peace between Israel and the adjacent Arab countries. This resolution also stated that Israel would withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula as an act of peace. However, Israel was still allowed to keep that land up until the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, as well as most of the Golan Heights,significantly increasing the size of the Jewish State.