Tuesday, May 18, 2010
November 30, 1947: Haj Amin Al-Husseini
Yesterday was a terrible day for the Arabs of Palestine. For decades, we have been trying to protect our homeland, trying to get the Jews to leave our country. They started immigrating to Palestine decades ago, claiming that this was to be a Jewish state of Israel. But how can they call this their country? We Arabs have lived here for centuries. And yesterday, The UN decided to split Palestine on two, handing over more than half of our country to Jewish settlers. Yesterday will go down in history as the day that the Palestinians were robbed of their country, their homeland.
The first Jews started immigrating to Palestine in the early 1880s, fleeing from the pogroms of Russia, believing that they would be welcome here, because it was their promise land. There where then two more waves of immigration before and after World War One, because of anti-Semitic policies in Russia during the Russian revolution. There was another wave in the late 1920s because of anti-Jewish policies in Poland, and the fifth wave was because of Hitler’s rise to power. Over the course of a few decades, hundreds of thousands of Jews had left their home countries to seek freedom and religious acceptance here. They acted as if no one else lived in Palestine, and they alone were entitled to it.
Since then they have been gaining more and more influence, sending out a message that this should be their country. Finally the UN decided that they could just split the country in half, and everybody would be happy. But how is it fair that the 600,000 Jews were given half of the land of Palestine, and twice as many Arabs, were given the other half, while really all of this land should belong to the Arabs?
I understand that the Jewish people have been severely mistreated by the nations of Europe and been the victims of many injustices. But why is it that we are responsible for this? Our nation has had nothing to do with any of the horrible things that have been done to the Jews. I agree that they do deserve their own state, but they governments of Europe need to figure out how to create a country for them in Europe. They need to take responsibility for their actions.
So as the leader of the Arab League, I strongly denounce this partition. We as a country will not stand for this, and if nothing is changed, war is not out of the question. Something must be done about this, because the Arabs of Palestine will not have our country taken away from us. The Jews are not entitled to this land; we are.